Our Team

Our Team

Team Kollegium


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Marcel Legrum

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Katrin Hähnel
Deputy Principal


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Birgit Hoppe

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Bärbel Knabe


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Miriam Bani-Shoraka

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Dr. Birgit Bedranowsky

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Michael Böhne

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Corinna Böhne

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Tanja Brockschmidt

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Christian Christ

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Berndfried Fuhrmann

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Regina Gille

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Michael Heuser

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Kristina Kahm

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Steve Kulik

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Barbara Matysiak

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Julia Hörth

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Dr. Martina Keilbart

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Christine Kick

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Karina Kostusz

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Michael Maaß

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Angela Mayer

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Sandra Niemeier

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Kay Pieper

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Michael Plepis

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Christina Rentrup-Wintergalen

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Karina Schnell

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Ulrike Schneider

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Dr. Tobias Schulz

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Florian Teubert

Our educational programmes

At the Hanse Kolleg we offer you a variety of educational opportunities. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions about our offer or registration. Use the link below for further information.


Our Courses